Nav Menu and Homepage Redesign

INN’s new goal was to internationalize the site and ultimately gain exposure going outside of North America and Australia.

Homepage Redesigned

Having minimal and outdated design on the old site, the entire page was redesigned to suit the needs of our users and clients. Elements re-structured and designed included the header, navigation bar, article tiles, news display, side bar elements, and more.

Navigation Menu Redesigned

The menu had been re-organized and redesigned to suit the needs of INN’s users to fulfill our business and clients’ requirements, as well as to make it more functional with strong stance of the INN brand.

Dropdown menus are designed to showcase the top news that INN offers. This allows users to quickly scan and get a hold of what’s happening in the investing world.

A carousel bar was also included to display breaking news in a lively mode as users would not want to miss out.

International Edition Display

This edition dropdown menu allows users to easily switch
between different countries to view different stories, spontaneously no matter which page the user is on. 

Additionally, the site is also desgined to automatically detect
the country one is browsing from and directly display the corresponding contents.

Newsletter Sign Up Form

Adding a new newsletter subscription form on the homepage had helped improve and generate leads.

Design Research and Process

Through in-depth researching and understanding the users and stakeholders needs, a mood board was first created to map out the goals and possible solutions. The site was then, section by section, flow by flow mapped out on wireframes, and high-fidelity prototypes were created ready to be worked closely with the developers for the pixel-perfect result.

Private Placements Landing Page Design
Article Page Redesign
Client Profile Landing Page Design
Muji Website Redesign
My Account and Newsletter Page